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testophobia: beating the shades

4 days ...thats all i have...and all that is left of me before i take the exam and beat the the test that i have longed been delaying all my entire career...oops sorry i dont have a career pa pala.. but anyways, i seriously dont know how i would feel or what should i feel, but my nerves have been uneasy and sleeping is like a pill stuck into my throat...oh well, honestly i dont think im ready to take the exam but whats there to be afraid of trying right? if i fail it just means that im not meant to be where i am now, or i really just dont belong anymore, or maybe this is just not the right time... but to hell with negativity, I'm claiming this and i hope it'll claim me too...i tell you, the pressure is to high that i could almost drown and knowing myself im a big drowner or so i say... im a smart kid (or i think i am) but when it comes to taking exams...oh hell no, im crappy at those, i mean i know the answers by heart but when im there, my mind turns into a big puddle of froyos... sick huh? oh well that it for now, sorry for the crappy post,,.. will post some with sense next time... i just think i needed this to be out of my system... oh well...wish me luck b*tches!


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