so for my first (in a very long list of writing post to do) post, ill be talking about or you can say that, ill be ranting about haters, i mean yes its a free country, you can say whatever you want too, but i guess at the end of the day all you are doing is releasing bad vibes on earth right?… bad omen. so negative, and ill probably sound stupid but i guess being a hater of hating on things, people and what not is sometimes good, its like you are releasing all those toxins from your body, but from time to time when the hating gets routinely it sometimes gets that icky part of your brain like you just want to vomit all those letters from that person… sometimes when I know someone who is hating other people or stuffs i just want to pat them in the back and say, hey thanks for being a hater, you just made the world so balance *sarcasm*… also sometimes i just want to tell them, are you okay? did something sad happen in your life, that you just keep on blurbing negative energy on our planet? cheer up my friend… the world won’t end with selfies, or jejemons, or people putting pink or neon letters or quotes in their pictures.. remember it wont.
There are also times when in the morning you open your facebook then right there infront of your face is a huge ass rant about a friend of yours who just stated a lengthy status as if its the state of the nation address ranting about some guy or girl who did an awesomely over quota post of their pictures, i mean. what the eff right?…if haters become overly obsess of hating people and its now an incurable disease, i guess one way of intervening with their sickness is letting them stay in a “haters rehab" a rehab wherein you just stay in a room and reflect unto yourself about your life and ask questions like, is my life this perfect that i need to hate other people?, am i that socially patterned with rich people or socialites? do i sometimes own the pictures i post in instagram? did i one way or another pretended to have an iphone and posted pictures of myself eating an awesomely perfected gourmet food and posted it on facebook to brag about?
I mean hello, you being a hater of a person posting multiple selfie shots vs. you pretending to be an iphone owner or you pretending to be that righteous... are kinda on the same level right?… i guess our planet would be a perfect place to live in if there's a HATERS REHAB…
(p.s i totally made NO paragraphs, comas or spaces and i didn't even spell check it or check my grammar…so you’ll hate my post.. coz i know thats what you like to do as a hobby. HATING)
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