Have you ever felt something within you while watching a movie? well for me, i always do. So just 5 minutes ago, i just finished watching Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro in their 2015 movie "The Intern", and it turns out that it is a flick full of inspiration stuck within its plot. So Here are the 3 Things i realised after watching "The Intern" 1. Remember to Breathe and never forget to take it all in one step at a time. As a newbie in my field, i have always been told that working in that agency is never a "walk in the park", and since i was definitely being told to act as a pro-bee and take what our boss gives, i always assumed that the more work i get or the more projects assigned to me - the better. But what i truly realised is that taking on a lot of things on my plate without even asking myself if i can handle it alone is truly bad. There are probably lots of times, in which i ask myself 2 same exact question every time i am exhausted: 1...
" The Adventures of a Teenage Gypsy and her Banana Chips Love Story" The daily life of a random fresh-grad teenager, who has no idea of how to live her life after college..."