Beneath my Feet's View by BananaChipsLoveStory's N It never ceases to amaze me what the layers of this world holds, deeper beauty lies behind every crack in the pavement. Below the murmur of a crowd, a symphony. A smile from an elderly woman at the bus stop is more than mismatched teeth and wrinkled skin, it is more beautiful than the Mona Lisa herself (Perhaps that is why she grins so knowingly?) All we have to do is Stop. Close our eyes and our preconceptions of the mundane mask of our surrounds, listen to the laugh. To the chirp. To the wind as it teases the branches of a tree that has seen more than any of us care to have noticed. The way the light plays against a discarded tin can as it rolls down the gutter has more elegance than the brightest rainbow, these arcs of mist-bent light are far too showy and arrogant. The tin can’s glitter is fragile and fleeting, better to witness it’s rarity and marvel at the man made dancing with nature Behold the...
" The Adventures of a Teenage Gypsy and her Banana Chips Love Story" The daily life of a random fresh-grad teenager, who has no idea of how to live her life after college..."