Season 1 - a month long of love and getting to know HIM. S1 - Our first Date - September 9, 2012 The day that a guy asked me out to go to church with him, it was my first day to attend the was an awesome experience, i got to know a side of his family and even got the chance to know another side of me, which is me being into this kinda of workship things... oh how i love being able to spend time with the one I love in front of God..hell yeah God is my awesome witness... (literally) S1. Our graduation Date - the day we celebrated his Graduation (Oct.22,12) During that day, we went to Greenhills so that i could get him a gift, yes my boyfriend loves robots and so do i (yeah you heard that right, i so love gundams too.) ate at an okay italian restaurant named something (sorry i forgot its name), ordered a feeling naples pizza, halfed cooked veggies in cajun fish and an epic lasagna (awesome zucchini eh!) S1 - Ep. Saturdate - a long day when we...
" The Adventures of a Teenage Gypsy and her Banana Chips Love Story" The daily life of a random fresh-grad teenager, who has no idea of how to live her life after college..."